How Much Are Patrick Nagel Pictures Worth? (Revealed)
Patrick Nagel is one of the most famous artists in Pop Art and Art Deco cultures, and his pictures have been sold all around the world. Even though his career tragically ended at the age of 38, his artwork continues to have great value. So, how much are Patrick Nagel’s pictures worth?
The original hand-painted pictures by Patrick Nagel are worth between $8,000 and $525,000 each. However, most of his work has been reprinted, so you can easily find limited edition prints from $800 to $2,500. The price of the prints depends on the size and the times a particular artwork has been reprinted.
In this article, I will discuss the worth of Patrick Nagel’s pictures, plus some background information about his illustrations. I will also talk about the life of this famous artist and what kind of impact he had in the world of art. If you are interested in pop art and want more details about Patrick Nagel, you will find this article really helpful.

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The Worth Of Patrick Nagel Pictures
Once an artist passes away, the value of their work increases significantly. That is why many of the artworks of famous artists of the previous centuries are so pricey. The works of Patrick Nagel are expensive, but since the prints are still in production, it is less likely that the price of his originals will increase significantly any time soon.
In other words, the person who is responsible for his estate after his death still sells the licenses for reprinting his work. That means that reproductions of his pictures are currently being produced, and they are not difficult to find as some of the works of artists from previous centuries.
However, the artwork of Patrick Nagel is highly valued, and he is still widely popular. His original illustrations can be found and purchased at a price range of between $8,000 and $525,000. This price range refers to the original hand-painted works that he has completed during his lifetime. The prices also depend on the size of a particular picture.
Some of his original pictures can be found at online auction sites, where the prices can go up to the mid-six figures. This is not a surprise considering that Patrick Nagel was quite admired and appreciated during his lifetime, and many well-known art collectors and celebrities enjoy his work. One of Duran Duran’s album covers famously featured a Nagel picture, and stars like David Copperfield and Joan Collins have purchased some of Nagel’s artwork for their collections.
When it comes to the unlimited prints (Amazon) of his works, they are easily accessible and can be found at a price range between $50 to $200, depending on size and framing. However, not all of his pictures are available for reprinting. Therefore, if you want a particular piece that is not available for reprinting, you’d need to have deep pockets and take your chances at an online auction.
You can also find many Nagel prints for sale on eBay. You can find everything from inexpensive reprints, to limited editions, to original hand-painted works.
You should bear in mind that pieces that are not available for printing or come only in a limited edition will be pricey, so you might need to spend a little more money than expected.
About Patrick Nagel
Patrick Nagel is considered one of the greatest artists in pop art culture. His work marked the 1980s with a combination of his minimalist style and the cool, seductive women represented in his pictures. The ‘Nagel Woman’ became an iconic symbol recognized all over the world.
He reached the peak of his fame with the illustrations he did for Playboy (1975-1984) and the album cover for Duran Duran. Once his talent was noticed, his work became widely exposed and instantly recognized. People appreciated him for his unique style and sensibility, and he played an influential role to many up-and-coming illustrators, designers, and artists who wanted to follow his style.
In his work, you’ll find influences and inspiration from many sources and cultures. Through these combinations, he achieved the unique style that he was aiming for. He found inspiration in the painters from the pre-Raphaelite period, Japanese woodblock prints, and the current trends (at the time) in fashion and photography.
Combining these influences, he succeeded in creating simple models based on a photograph with bold dark lines and cool colors. The simplicity of his pictures, and focus on only the woman in the picture, gave his work a special quality. This is the reason why his illustrations became so popular and influential.
The shapes in Nagel’s pictures, along with the subdued colors marked the ‘cool period.’ Many artists have said that Patrick Nagel achieved a certain emotional state in his pictures and depicted the American desire for materialistic goods. This was when the notion of the ‘American Dream’ was highly popular in Western society.
Nagel’s career tragically ended at the age of 38, but his work continued to be valued, and his style still inspires many artists around the world. Today, people tend to use his minimalistic style everywhere; therefore, Nagel’s prints and posters are in high demand.
Nagel’s Women
Many people have been asking the story behind the women that Nagel included in his art pieces. He depicts the women as complicated, distant, but eager for attention. The women in his artworks seem intelligent, self-possessed, and mysterious.
Patrick Nagel claimed that he imagined the women in his works as creatures who drank and smoked during the night, but they were always in control and able to stay cool. You can feel their attitude when looking at his paintings. Nagel’s goal was to depict a woman who can affect people’s emotions, rather than just a simple likeness.
Even though Nagel’s style changed over the years, “his women” remained effective. He represented the women of the late ’70s and early ’80s as softer and more vulnerable but still influential to the admirers.
Final Thoughts
As you could see, the art of Patrick Nagel is highly appreciated even today. As one of the most influential artists of his time, it is understandable that his pictures would be highly valued and remain in demand.
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